A place for my personal musings, about programming, design or whatever come across my mind

I still feel like working with rails in Linux feel easier and faster. What’s with all the homebrew thing in Mac, feel like you have to go through a lot of troubles just to complete something simple. But working with rails in Windows is another story altogether. Initiatives like Railsinstaller and Devkit help a lot […]

Redo the whole process. Clone repo again, bundle install now work right away, as all the prerequisites are there. Instead of running rake tasks separately, which fail previously with long list of errors rake db:create:all rake db:migrate rake db:seedrake db:create:all rake db:migrate rake db:seed I will just do this, which is a shortcut for rake […]

Cloning the repo git clone https://github.com/Futnotes/dev_test-2.git devtestgit clone https://github.com/Futnotes/dev_test-2.git devtest Mixtures of errors doing bundle install though First it is capybara Using capybara (1.1.2) Installing capybara-webkit (0.12.1) with native extensions Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.Using capybara (1.1.2) Installing capybara-webkit (0.12.1) with native extensions Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. According […]

Requiring a file sitting in the same directory wouldn’t work with this require ‘something’require ‘something’ Seems like Ruby 1.9 remove current directory from load path as I read from Stackoverflow To make it work you could require ‘./something’require ‘./something’ or use require_relative, require_relative ‘something’require_relative ‘something’ The thing is, load ‘something.rb’load ‘something.rb’ still work. So does […]

When you have a hammer, you see everything as nails. A very true message from Dive into Python 3, Regular expressions are extremely powerful, but they are not the correct solution for every problem. You should learn enough about them to know when they are appropriate, when they will solve your problems, and when they […]

Found this incredibox from hacknernews few days ago, there is a neat interface lets you drag and drop different effects, melodies, beats and voices to create your own remixes. But the title in hackernews is saying “Background music for programming”, which is a lie. The thing is so fun to play around with, you immediately forgo […]