A place for my personal musings, about programming, design or whatever come across my mind

ruby on rails

Read about thin for a while (faster than webrick, faster than mongrel), but didn’t really get the chance to try it out, until recently. As I am looking for moving my little rails application out of instantrails to a proper production environment, decided to give thin a spin, too bad Passenger isn’t supporting Windows platform, […]

And so not to forget this again. This is how to clear the console screen in rails, type this, In Ubuntu, system ‘clear’system ‘clear’ In Windows system ‘cls’system ‘cls’ from stackoverflow

So I have a whole list of data which is already in excel and need to put into the Rails application. I could either manually type them into the database, or there must be some plugin out there dealing with this. Just a quick google bring me to Unixmonkey blog talking about fastercsv. All you […]

The explanation from api.rubyonrails.org is rather baffling for a newbie like me, collection_select(object, method, collection, value_method, text_method, options = {}, html_options = {})collection_select(object, method, collection, value_method, text_method, options = {}, html_options = {}) Still managed to get the dropdown menu working for my application after searching through the web. There are already quite a few […]

I sort of giving up my own design, for now. I find myself tinkering with the layout and design more than actually writing something here, and that really tell if you look at the last post on the blog, almost a year ago. I lost count of the time I start and stop my learning […]