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Carrierwave mini magick error

Been using paperclip mainly for file attachment in rails application. When there is a need to add in file uploading feature for a small apps in the company, I decided to give carrierwave a spin, just for the sake of trying out a different gem.

I mainly refer to carrierwave github site and tutsplus tutorial  for installation and setup, which is pretty straightforward to be frank.

However, when I tried to upload image thru the application, an error message saying “translation missing: en.errors.messages.mini_magick_processing_error” appear.

A quick google confirm that it is quite a common problem, a few suggestions are made,

But none of these solve my problem. Suddenly it hit me that maybe ImageMagick is not working properly, I did a check by just type in magick command into the command prompt, sure enough it said magick is not a recognizable command.

As suggested by ImageMagick page , look like I need to install Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package  to get the file vcomp120.dll.

And viola, that did the magick trick and solve the problem J

Also, if the name of “command prompt” haven’t given enough clue, I am developing rails apps with a Windows machine. Hope this could be a useful tips for those need to make rails apps and carrierwave work in windows 😉


Thank you, this really helped me running Rails 5 on Windows 7. Hope you don’t mind – I linked to your post when I was writing up my fix!


Well, another 2 years late reply, sorry for that. Ya, by all means, go ahead link to it 😉

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